CRISTAL, visual identity

Customer : LOHR

Lohr is a privately-owned French group based in Alsace near Strasbourg. For over 60 years, it has been a world specialist in the design, manufacture and marketing of systems for transporting goods and people, and generates 80% of its sales from exports. With a global industrial footprint comprising six plants on three continents and a workforce of 2,000, the Lohr group has secured its position as world leader in car carrier vehicles, is developing its piggyback transport business and is promoting projects to enhance mobility.
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Area of intervention

An urban transport system for dual public/private use and several services, cristal is a new way of sharing mobility by facilitating travel and optimising the use of the same vehicle, either individually (self-service mode) or collectively (shuttle mode). To find out more

The visual identity of cristal is a direct descendant of that of the LOHR Group to which it belongs. It emphasises the many possible uses and the centralisation of the system around a single vehicle that can be used in its various modes. It is used on the brand’s various online and offline communication media.

For LOHR, HAIKU DESIGN has been involved since the creation of the cristal system in the definition, generation of ideas, design studies and experimentation involving strategy, concepts, the vehicle, brand identity, provision stations, user interfaces and online and offline communication.

The cristal visual identity was officially presented to the general public for the first time as part of the ‘Solutions COP21’ exhibition in Paris at the Grand-Palais in December 2015.

cristal and HAIKU DESIGN have received awards from :

– L’Etoile de l’Observeur du design 2012 -awarded by APCI – Agence pour la Promotion de la Création Industrielle.

– The Janus de la Prospective 2015 – awarded by the IFD – Institut Français du Design.

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